About Pelusa's Place

At Pelusa's Place, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and language-rich environment for children to learn Spanish. Our immersive daycare offers a unique experience where children engage in daily activities and communication exclusively in Spanish. With our bilingual staff, cultural integration, and holistic language learning approach, we create an authentic and enriching experience for young learners to develop strong Spanish language skills while embracing diverse Hispanic cultures.

boy in white long sleeve shirt writing on white paper
boy in white long sleeve shirt writing on white paper

Our principles

We create a language-rich environment where children engage in daily activities and communication exclusively in Spanish.

Cultural Integration

Bilingual Staff

Language Immersion

Our dedicated team of bilingual staff ensures that children receive the highest quality of care and education in both English and Spanish.

We embrace diverse Hispanic cultures and provide opportunities for children to learn about and appreciate different traditions, customs, and celebrations.

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